Friday, October 22, 2021

Humility In Leadership (for Multiply Podcast)


Hello! This is Multiply a podcast for Village Church Planters and church leaders. I am Daneille Snowden.

Some of the strongest people I know are leading in humility. Today, humility is seen as a weakness and not a variable for leadership. Yet, God's directives towards His men and woman, of whom He has called; leads us to aspire for this specific character trait.   I love this quote: 

"A humble leader is a confident leader, knowing who they are what they can do. A prideful leader is an overconfident leader trying to convince other people that they are good enough to be doing what they are   doing. Humility is a strength."

['Giant' is the name of this website for leaders.]

When I graduated from Bible college, I was at an age 'I knew it all!' Let me tell you, I am so grateful for humble men and woman who put up with me back then (especially my husband). It took God putting a teachable spirit in me and causing me to fall on my face countless times. LESSON LEARNED! And honestly, I still am learning too.

Let's look at the fruits of humility; how it grows within oneself and affects others. 

First, a humble leader exhibits great strength, they know that he or she doesn't have to prove themselves. Yet, a prideful leader is always trying to prove him or herself.  The humble leader's strength exhibits profoundly because, quite frankly, it is not his strength, but God's! 

Ps. 118:14  "The Lord is my strength and my song." 

Second, a humble leader never thinks of himself. They are always serving others. Their passion for their God, is seen for their love for others. They live their lives putting the needs of someone else before themselves.

Third, this leader (he or she) is gentle and meek. I would label this also as being considerate of others and giving them much grace. That is NOT easy whatsoever, but if we look at people through the eyes of God and His Word; it will give us the heart to serve them where their need is.  

Fourth, a humble leader is generous. This is with his finances, time, emotions, and energies. Again, we go back to this type of leader as being selfless. As he or she walks in humility, this gives the leader an opportunity to touch lives in deep and needed ways, by ministering to both to the hearts of people and their physical needs. 

Fifth, a humble leader is full of great zeal! His energy is serving God and others! Because this is a quality that comes from God himself the Lord is faithful to equip our servant leader with great zeal and strength! I love that old chorus that goes:

"The zeal of God has consumed me,

it burns within my soul.

A driving force that cannot be stopped,

A fire that cannot be quenched."

Sixth; A leader who leads with humility is prudent. Prudence is defined by wisdom, discreet, and excellent in managing affairs. Proverbs speaks considerably about prudence. As a humble leader, one might say prudence is a fruit of humility. Why? Because a humble leader cares deeply about pleasing God and serving others, thus he or she finds it a great help to embrace prudence. 

Seventh, a humble leader must be like Jesus!  Philippians 2:5-9

"…being in the form of God...He took upon him the form of a servant, …he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross…”

When I am in the presence of a humble leader; I feel relaxed, accepted and my walls come down. All because I feel their genuine heart of love, wanting to truly be there to help and serve. 

Let's all listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we continue to walk in the call God has placed upon our lives as leaders. The Spirit is calling us to walk in the steps of our Lord and Savior in Humility. 

This has been Multiply. Please share this, we are on, Facebook and YouTube .


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