Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Who Will Be Your Next Timothy


Hello this is Multiply with Brad Snowden this is  a podcast to encourage village church planters.
Today I want to encourage each one of us to look at the relationship between the Apostle Paul and Timothy. We can see in scripture that Paul’s heart was to pour into Timothy’s life.

1 Timothy 1:2 says “Unto Timothy my own son in the Faith “
We know that intentionally pouring into the hearts of others takes great care and effort. Timothy was not Paul’s flesh and blood, yet Paul cared for his heart that he be used by God. 

The farmer labors hard to prepare the ground .Then at the proper time the seed is planted at the proper depth and spacing. There must be the work of watering the seed if there is no rain to ensure the seed can germinate. The work doesn’t stop there weeds must be pulled so the nutrients in the ground get to the plants so they can be fruitful and the harvest can be plentiful. The apostle Paul knew that for the continual growth of Timothy’s spiritual life he had to pour into him. 
2 Timothy 2:6 (amplified) The hard working farmer who labors to produce crops ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops. 

I believe that in this scripture it relates to each one of us and the sharing of the harvest. The apostle Paul shared in the harvest that Timothy was experiencing because he poured into his life. This is so important for the harvest to be generational. 

 Church planting is hard work, and the harvesting of fruits comes in many different ways and harvesting in others we pour into is just another way. Church planting is victorious in many different ways and the victories in others we can share in as well through others is yet another victory.

Paul poured into Timothy which took a lot of effort and time but yet Paul knew that it would be fruitful for the kingdom of God. 

Who will be the next Timothy? Who can we pour into as to see the harvest continue? Praying for the next Timothy will be a fruit filled harvest that can be for generations to come. Who will be your next Timothy? We can all share in the great harvest together as we pray for each other.
This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Please share this podcast with others and Lord Bless you as you serve in the Harvest field.

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