Monday, September 13, 2021

The Clarion Call For Such A Time As This


Hello! This is Daneille Snowden with Multiply a podcast for Village Church Planters and all who are serving our God in the ministry.

I was 12 years old when God called me to the mission field; He melted my heart for souls as His call was quite clear and concise. Do you remember when the Lord spoke to you to ‘GO’ and share His Gospel of Love? Do you remember how you felt? 

Ephesians 1:11 says; we are predestined ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE, Who works all things out according to His Will. Predestined here means chosen!

Remember Queen Esther; when faced by a difficult decision to rescue her people, her uncle Mordecai challenged her by saying she was CHOSEN for Such a time as this! [This is found in Esther 4:14.]

Also remember Moses, who felt quite unworthy to be God’s Voice and Leader to rescue His people; still God set him aside, even as an infant; for such a time as this!

We are living in a challenging time; where all across the globe we all are experiencing and witnessing insurmountable difficulties. Yet, God created each of us to be His witnesses and hope for such a time as this! 

He has given us a ‘Clarion Call’ (that is a clear call) to preach the Gospel, and make disciples. And what a privilege and an honor this is too! May I challenge you today as the Apostle Paul did; in 1 Timothy 6:12 to keep the good fight of faith! And also in 2 Timothy 4:5 “…to do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry.”

This has been Multiply a podcast for Village Church Planters, Pastors and all who are who are serving God in the ministry. Visit us on our website at, and on Facebook at Encouragement for Village Church Planters (Multiply).

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