Monday, August 2, 2021



This is Multiply, a podcast to encourage church planters and all who are working diligently serving God by serving others in ministry. I am Daneille Snowden and today the Lord has given me a word for you on ….


The Lord is  calling us all to take some time to be relaxing in His arms.

To be at rest, in our hearts, and minds. 

Jesus is challenging us to stop to feel the brush of a gentle breeze, and the warmth of a ray of sunshine! 

It seems in the days we all now live, there is a constant bustle, a hurried busyness that causes our minds to not stop thinking, our hearts are beating faster, and our bodies are constantly on the go.

Is that what Jesus displayed when He walked on this earth? Take a moment and reflect on the times Jesus was with His disciples, His parents and Himself. 

He walked everywhere, long distances. He walked and not ran. He sat down, He ate and even laughed. He played with the children, and He stopped to heal a leper, a blind man, and even to call out ones to follow Him.  

Multitudes began to hear of Jesus and listen to His wise teachings. After time well spent with them, He would whisk away to a place of rest. In this quiet time, He taught His disciples the importance of rest, who then they would one day in turn teach their students too. 

We read scriptures that say, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary and walk and not faint.” (Is. 40:31) 

And another that we all know well, in Psalm 23:2-3 

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside the quiet waters, he refreshes my soul....”

There are seasons we all walk through in life when we are busier than other times. For all of us who feel the urgency of the Gospel being preached, and souls coming to the saving knowledge of Christ, this drives us on to the point that we can’t seem to stop till the job is done. Many of us have shepherd’s hearts and simply love people, wanting to guide, help and encourage other believers in their Christian walk and we’re doing this day in and day out. 

 During our 26 years of pastoring, we were coming and going all the time. Our telephone would ring through out the day, we had three children whom we home schooled and cared for, we had sermons to prepare, Bible studies to put together, hospital visits and many to disciple. It was joy to pour into lives, including our own children. God sent wise older ministers our way to encourage us to take time out away from all of this to be refreshed and renewed. What that looks like to us may look different to someone else. But God led us to those resting places as a family, a couple and even to ourselves. 

It is vital to trust the Lord, as we take time to allow our bodies to be regenerated, our minds to recalibrate, and our souls to be renewed; know that  when we this He will do more through you and I even in a shorter amount of time. 

The Lord says, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” In  Exodus 33:14 

I encourage all my fellow church planters, dear ministers of the Gospel; to rest! Take care of your soul, you body and mind. Allow Jesus to bless this time of rest to renew you and give you a fresh vision for the work He has called you to do!

This has been Mulitply, please share this with others as well as visit us on Facebook, Youtube and our website:

#bestillandknowthatIamGod  #Rest #restyoursoulsinJesus #waitupontheLord

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