Monday, August 16, 2021

Making Hard Decisions


Welcome to Multiply! This is a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. We are Brad & Daneille Snowden.

Today we are going to approach the topic on ‘Making Hard Decisions’. This is an issue all leaders face which can affect our mission and our church. 

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (in the amplified) says; “That is why, I remind you to fan into flame the gracious gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. (v.7) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, or cowardice or fear, but He has given us a spirit of power, and of love and of sound judgement (which is) personal discipline).”

The Apostle Paul is exhorting Timothy as a leader in the church to boldly use the gift of leadership to edify the body in which sometimes means making hard decisions. 

Many years ago, in one of our churches that we pastored, we had a difficult decision to make, as we felt the need to start a specific teaching series with the church. It was about a subject that a good percentage of the church was struggling with. We knew once we started this teaching series, that it would stir up a lot of questions and possible problems. We noted that the people would either be moved to change, by surrendering their entire lives to the Lord or they could become angry. 

We obeyed the Lord in this, and we did see many grow deeper in Him and also ones who ran from God’s will, which did hurt not only themselves but many others. 

When we all make hard decisions, first it is important to fast and pray.

Then deeply study God’s Word on the subject we have felt led to teach. 

Also, as we feel the Lord has given us His clear direction, discuss it with a mentor or leader or whomever has been agreeing in prayer about this. 

Also, it is good to Listen to their counsel on the subject.

Next, we are able move forward in much grace and boldness; leading with God’s Word as our voice. 

This has been Multiply. Please share this podcast with fellow church planters, pastors, and leaders. Follow us on youtube called VCPencouragement OMS, and our website

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