Tuesday, June 15, 2021




Hello, this is Multiply a word of encouragement for village church planters. I am Daneille Snowden and in this podcast, I  would like to share my heart on the vital importance in ministry (and life) to press on, move forward and not to look back. But, to stay focused on the great call God has upon your life and run the race to achieve the prize of fulfilling His purpose for you.

 Philippians 3:14 says; “I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Press on means to continue to move forward, to pursue.

I recall many years ago when my husband Brad and I were pastors; we were quite discouraged with our ministry and our church. Our hearts were broken, and we were so tired. God provided for us to attend a conference for pastors. At this time, we decided we are going to leave the church, and felt we did all we could, we just did not have any strength left to continue. At the time of the alter call during the last session, the speaker said he felt led from the Lord to say; “Don’t give up, press on and the Lord will show Himself strong through you.”

We stood up and then raced to the alter where we prayed through, the  burdens were lifted and we felt great victory over our weariness. 

From that day on, as we stayed committed to the Lord to continue to press on, the Lord did show Himself strong as we continued to do God’s Work.

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Philippian church, which was near the end of his life, and still, he claimed he felt he did not yet attain all he needed to for the Gospel’s sake. This man lived out one of the most devoted and sacrificial lives ever recorded, yet still he felt this way.

His words: “I press on toward a goal…” references a race. Athletes work hard training to run far distances, they learn to run without distraction and extra weight. They focus on one thing and that was then and that is the goal. Our goal as church planters, is leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We fulfill this by accomplishing our life purpose as we follow the High Calling of God.

God chooses those whom He knows will and can walk in humility, diligence, and with courage that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit! As we do this, we bring praises and honor to Him and not to ourselves.

Keep the faith, take up your cross, go and make disciples of all nations! Laying aside negative thoughts, fears, hurts and even frustrations. May I encourage you to spend time in the Lord’s presence plus, feast on His Word, here you will have the strength and power to press on!

This has been Multiply, please share this with others and visit us at
www.vcpencouragement.org .   

#presson #pressontowardthemarkofthehighcallingofGod #villagechurchplanters

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