Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Complete In Christ


Hello this is Brad Snowden and this is Multiply; a podcast that provides a word of encouragement to village church planters.

Colossians 2:9-10     For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.”

We have now just celebrated Jesus’s resurrection and through the word, we see Jesus walk through pain and suffering on the cross, death, the tomb and then the resurrection; so that in him and through him our spiritual life would be complete. Jesus completed what we could not which is to give us eternal life, spiritual hope and the power to overcome this world.

 Growing up, I learned a lot about harvesting fruits and vegetables from our garden. I grew up knowing that it took certain elements in order for the Harvest to be complete. We must have good soil which is  tilled, cultivated and fertilized with nutrients. There needs to be good seed that is  able to germinate and  lastly: good weather.  For the soil, its temperature has to be warm enough to germinate the seeds,  which requires  the right amount of rain and sun. These are three key ingredients, if we desire to have a good harvest

 The  Apostle Paul gives us what is needed for Spiritual fruits to be harvested: the fruits of love, joy, peace, hope, strength and the ability to be a witness to who Jesus is in our life. Church Planters are witnesses to the world that is in great need and that need is to see Jesus at the center of our lives. Verse 10 says, we are complete in Jesus and we can get in trouble when we try to add to our lives anything that is apart from him.  Have you ever gone through something and wondered; “Does God even see any of this?”  I know I have, and in moments like this, we can be assured of one fact as a church planter and as a follower of Jesus that Jesus reigns above all principalities and all situations . There is nothing that escapes his attention, nor does he overlook things that we are going through. Yet, he searches for the best  opportunity to show others of his powerful love for them, and this is a great victory for us as we desire to help others to grow and mature spiritually.   

Jesus had many different steps to take in order to complete the Father’s plan and yet there was only one way to complete the course.  Jesus taught us to walk through all of life’s  challenges, knowing that the harvest will be worth it all. We have a great victory knowing that Jesus has completed the course for our victory.

This world is in need of seeing lives lived out as Christ being the center of our everyday life showing them the hope we have in God’s word . We are complete only in the Lord and this is the hope we have to share and God has given us every element needed to be complete. Church planters, followers of Jesus;  this is our hope and strength that we have to offer to all as we live out our lives in Christ. 

This is Multiply; a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. If you have found this message to be helpful, please forward it to fellow church planters and disciple-makers who may need encouragement.  Feel free to share it on What’s App, Facebook, and other platforms you use to connect with others.

Please follow us on PodBean look for Multiply VCP- https://multiplyvcp.podbean.com/ 

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