Monday, March 1, 2021

Knitted Together


Brad: Hello, this is Brad & Daneille Snowden; and we greet you today in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Daneille: We are here together as a pastor couple to encourage all spiritual leaders. Brad & I have been in the ministry for over 33 years. We pastored a long time, and just want to fill you with HOPE that you are not alone. 

    --- One of the many challenges we face in the ministry is a feeling of isolation and loneliness.

Daneille: This is so true. I recall many times dealing with hurts either from the feeling no one will understand what I am going through. And this comes from gossip in the church, criticisms, financial struggles, balancing a side job, raising children, all with pastoring a church.

Brad: I am reminded in Colossians 1:23 the Apostle Paul encourages us to be grounded and settled, not moved away from the Hope of the Gospel.

These things that happen are difficulties and they will pull us away from depending upon God’s Word.

Ang again in Colossians 2:2, the Apostle Paul’s message is victory: “That our hearts would be comforted and knit together in love, we are not alone. But knitted, woven together as one, we are knitted together in RELATIONSHIP.

Daneille: One way the Lord also encourages us is through the husband-and-wife relationship. As there have been times God has used Brad to pray with me. And then myself to encourage Brad as I would feel led to share God’s Word with him. And always, an especially important strength, is just listening to one another.

Brad: Another way God has encouraged to help us to realize we are not alone; was by being in fellowship with fellow Pastors, and Church Leaders. We along with our fellow ministers, found how important it was to be humble and open to share our heart struggles with one another.                              

Daneille: I also think it is important to acknowledge anytime a husband and wife step out and answer God’s Call upon their lives; that our enemy Satan will fight against what God has led us to do. When he does, he will stir up attacks on many fronts.

   --- This is because we are moving into his territory bringing light in the darkness.

Brad: This brings us to the importance of praying together. Pray with your spouse, and as well as a fellow pastor and or spiritual leader to agree in prayer with you. We can do this: TOGETHER!

1 Corinthians 12:26-27 “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

Daneille: Thank you Lord for this encouragement realizing we are not alone.

And Thank you Church planter and Pastor for joining us today!

This has been a Word of Encouragement for Village Church Planters. If you have found this message to be helpful, please share with your fellow Pastors and church planters.

Brad:  God Bless you all!

Please follow us on PodBean look for Multiply VCP- 

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #Colossians #knittedtogether

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