Monday, February 8, 2021

Your Seed Sowing Action Plan Leads to Multiplication


Hello my brother; hello my sister, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of

encouragement for village church planters.

As you have been learning through training and experience, the four Seed

Sower Tools are a great help to church planters as they work to make disciples

of Jesus Christ.

These tools provide ready answers when the devil tempts us to be passive and

not share the Gospel or make disciples. If the devil tempts us by asking, “Who

do you think you are to go around telling people about Jesus?” we have an

answer from the first tool: “I am a new creation in Christ. Jesus has named me

his ambassador to the world.” If the devil tempts us by saying “You don’t

even know who to talk to about Jesus,” we say. “Be silent devil, I have a

relationship map, I know exactly who I can talk to about King Jesus.” If the

devil tempts us by asking, “Who do you think you are, you can’t speak, you

don’t know what to say, you will just confuse people if you try to talk about

Jesus.” we have a powerful answer, “I have a clear, truthful, powerful 15

second testimony of how Jesus changed my life. And I have the Three Circles

Gospel Presentation that tells how Jesus defeated you by shedding his blood

and rising from the dead. I will use my four Seed Sowing Tools to share the

Good News and you will be silent.”

If the devil tempts us by saying, “Those people you are going to talk to won’t

change their lives, you are just wasting your time,” we say, “Jesus will restore

them to God and we will teach them to obey the seven basic commands of

Christ. I have a plan to walk with them and help them grow strong as disciples

of Christ and you will not stop me. I am a co-laborer with Christ. Be gone,


This is the walk of faith that the Four Seed Sower Tools facilitate. And you

have these tools in your hands.

The fourth tool is the Action plan. If you make a good action plan and then do

what it says, you will multiply fruit in God’s Kingdom. If you define when you

will pray for people on your relationship map and when you will share the

Gospel with them, you will bear fruit. If you use your Action Plan to define

whom you will teach the Seed Sower Tools and whom you will teach the 7 Basic

Commands of Christ, and if you define when you will teach them, you will

multiply your fruitfulness.

If you train others to spread the Good News, they too will bear fruit. We call

this multiplication. When you teach others to use the four Seed Sower Tools

and when you teach others to obey the seven basic commands of Christ, you

will multiply disciples.

The Four Seed Sower Tools are describe in the Train and Multiply booklet

called “Sow the Good Seed.” If you would like to see this booklet, but don’t

know where to find it, ask the person who shared this message with you to

show you the booklet. It is a part of Train and Multiply for Village Church

Planters, Term 1.

God is giving you tools so you can work powerfully to advance his Kingdom.

Let’s give him thanks for his wonderful gift!

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #SeedSowerTools #ActionPlan

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