Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Three Circles Attempted Escape From A Broken World


Hello my brother; hello my sister, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for village church planters.

The more I use the Three Circles Gospel Presentation, the more I appreciate the broad truths about God and about people which it communicates.  I hope you are drawing the three circles often to explain the Good News of Jesus.  One of the unique aspects of the Three Circles which is not found in many other Gospel presentations is the circle that represents our broken world and the way people try to escape from brokenness. 

Because there is so much brokenness in our world, people try to escape. Some try to escape by earning a lot of money. Some try to get a great education thinking that their knowledge will allow them to escape the suffering they face in a broken world. Others try to escape by gaining fame. Others try to escape through spiritual practices and religion. Other people try to ease the pain that comes from brokenness with drugs and alcohol.

As you share these observations with people in your village by drawing the three circles, your listeners may identify with one or more of the commonly attempted escape routes.  If they do, take time to dialog with them.  We are not saying that money, or education or fame or even religion is necessarily bad.  What we are saying is that these things do not allow us to escape from the brokenness that is in the world. 

Many people who are working hard to become rich or famous or to be a religious expert know from experience that these things do not satisfy.  If they can express their own dissatisfaction with their own words, it will be good.  If not, you can just keep telling the story.  No matter what circle you are drawing, you want to be attentive to the thoughts, ideas and experiences of your listeners.  The more you understand the people listening to you and the more you feel the pain that they have experienced, the better you will be able to point them to the Savior.

So as you draw, draw slowly.  Speak clearly. Listen from your heart.  You are not the only one speaking.  They Holy Spirit is doing his work, speaking to the hearts of your listeners. Give your listeners the opportunity to listen to Him as well as to you. Slow down, ask questions. You will want to ask, “How have you seen indications of brokenness in our world?” You may want to ask, “How have you seen people trying to escape from the brokenness that is in the world?” Most people will recognize that their efforts to escape brokenness have not been entirely successful. 

Regardless of what they say, you have the great privilege of pointing people to Jesus. Tell his story well.  Tell it with patience.  Tell of Jesus’ great love. Tell about his horrible death on the cross.  Tell about his glorious resurrection.  God will use you and the story you tell by drawing three circles to break through the fears of the people who listen to you.  He will use you to set them free. So tell God’s story and tell it well!

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. E1-17

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #ThreeCircles

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