Monday, December 21, 2020

A Church Planter Celebrates Christmas


Hello my brother; hello my sister, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for village church planters.

The world was a pretty dark place before Jesus’ birth.  Oppression, corruption poverty, disease, slavery, and constant warfare were the forces that shaped the land of Palestine under Roman rule.  Life was hard and life was short.

But then God broke into that dark world.  He sent an angel named Gabriel to tell a young woman, a virgin named Mary, that she would give birth to a holy son who would rule over a kingdom that will never end. Quite confused, Mary asked the angel how this could be possible.  The angel said that the Holy Spirit would come on the virgin so that the holy one to be born would be called the Son of God.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world!  The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

While the world we live in is still a pretty dark place, our world is very different from the world before Jesus’ birth.  Today, we have seen the light of Jesus. That makes all the difference in the world!

My brother, my sister you have chosen to take the light of Jesus into some pretty dark places.  It is very likely that people in the village you serve have been making offerings to idols for a long time.  There are probably many people who are addicted to alcohol and spend much of their time in drunkenness.  It is likely that many families have never experienced a father’s love. 

And for some reason, you have chosen to go with the light of Jesus to that village and share Good News.  Today’s Word of Encouragement is not about church planting techniques or biblical principles for ministry.  Today I just want to encourage you to find a quiet place and enjoy the presence of the Lord.  Today I invite you to remember how His light came into your life.  Reflect on how He has shown his love to you, how He has spoken to you, and how His love has transformed you.

When Jesus came into the world, he was born in a stable. The first people to worship him were shepherds. Jesus grew up working in a carpenter’s shop.  His life was hard.  He walked over dusty roads and suffered all sorts of hardships.  By coming into this broken world and living he way he did, Jesus identified with you.

When you chose to go to a village without a church and plant a church there, you identified with Jesus.  Choosing to take light and love to the dark, difficult places in our world is a big part of the Christmas story.  You are a church planter.  You identify strongly with Jesus and you follow his example.  For that I am very thankful.  So this Christmas, let me encourage you to just take some time apart and enjoy the presence of your Lord. Allow Him to minister to you. Enjoy the love of Christ this Christmas and be at peace.





This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.


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