Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why Plant Churches?

 Why Plant Churches?

Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for village church planters.

Jesus loves you with an unconditional love.  He demonstrated his love for you by dying for you on the cross.  Jesus rose from the dead.  He defeated sin and death with his resurrected life. Jesus has all authority in heaven and all authority on earth. 

Your loving Lord, Jesus has given you a commandment which is based on his authority and on his love.  He has commanded you to make disciples.  This means that Jesus has a plan for you.  He plan is that you help other people to know him, love him and follow him. Take a moment now to think about how much Jesus loves you. And think about how Jesus, the King of the Universe wants to involve you in helping others to know him, love him, and follow him.  Feel free to stop the recording for a moment and just ponder these thoughts: Jesus loves you! Jesus invites you to work together with Him to help others experience His love.


Think about it, you get to join the King of the Universe to bring his blessing and love to the world.  But how?  How do you make disciples?  How to you help lost and hurting people experience the love of Christ?  How do you help them obey Jesus as King?  For the last 2,000 years, Christians have answered these questions in a variety of ways.  But the ones who were first to hear Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations obeyed in a very specific way.  Those first followers of Jesus were called apostles or sent ones.  The Apostles made disciples by proclaiming the Gospel and starting churches.  That is what happened on the Day of Pentecost.  Peter preached and a church was formed.  That is what happened in Antioch.  The disciples proclaimed the Good News and a church was started.  That is what happened in Philippi.  Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke preached the Gospel and a church was started.  Over and over again we see this pattern described in the book of Acts.

Why plant churches? It is the apostolic way to cooperate with Jesus to fulfill his commandment to make disciples of all nations. Any you my brother, you my sister are a church planter.  What a blessing.  You are on the right track.  Don’t quit!

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 


#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters  #PlantChurches

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