Wednesday, September 30, 2020

You Can Plant Churches that Obey Jesus

You Can Plant Churches that Obey Jesus

 Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is “A Word of Encouragement for Village Church Planters.  I was involved in my first church plant when I was 23 years old. I have been involved in church planting on five continents over the past 41 years. So I pay close attention to new churches and new methods to plant churches.  But many times when church planters talk about the churches they are planting they emphasize matters which are important, but not essential.  If you listen to experienced church planters you will hear them talking about many important issues related to how to plant a church.  They talk about where to meet and what kind of music to use in worship.  They talk about how to invite people and how to increase attendance at worship services.  They talk about how to emphasize their denomination’s doctrine or how to appeal to certain cultural or demographic groups.

All of this is important, but none of it is essential. You are a village church planter.  You have just started to plant churches.  My hope for you is that you will be able to tell the difference between what is important and what is essential. Here is what is essential in church planting: make disciples of Jesus Christ. This is what is essential for your new church: It must be a church of people who obey all that Jesus commanded.  It must be a church of disciples and of disciple makers. This is essential.  Many other aspects of church life are important, but what is essential is that your church obeys Jesus.

My brothers and sisters, if you understand and accept this word of encouragement, to plant churches that make disciples, your church will be worthy of honor. If you do many important works, but fail to help your church obey Jesus, you will have missed the mark.

I want you to know that I believe in you. I believe that regardless of your age or your education you can tell the difference between what is important and what is essential. Now is the time to lay the foundation in your church. Not the physical foundation for a building, but the spiritual foundation of obedience to Jesus Christ. You know what Christ has done for you, how he gave his life for you so that you could have a new, eternal life.  You know that He alone is worthy to be the Lord and Master of the Church. You know that He is worthy not only of worship, but of obedience. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”  You can plant churches that obey Jesus. That is what is truly essential.

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 


#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters  #ChurchesthatObeyJesus #ObeyJesus

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