Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “A Word of Encouragement for Village Church Planters.”

Growth is a good thing. We love to see plants grow and animals grow and people grow. I have been growing a garden. It’s wonderful to watch seeds sprout and show their first leaves. When the true leaves appear, that is another good sign. When my okra plants grew and formed strong stems and big leaves, I was happy. Then I saw the big yellow flowers. Soon the Okra pods began to appear. In just a few days I cut them and cooked them. Growth is good.

The apostle Peter tell us that as Christians we should grow and develop. He said, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.”

One of the most important roles you have a village church planter is the role of cultivating growth in lives of your church members. When babies grow, they get bigger and stronger and more intelligent. In the same way, followers of Jesus must grow. Your job as a village church planter is to help your church members grow in knowledge and faith and obedience.

So teach them the stories of the Bible. Teach them the stories of Jesus. Help them to know more and more about Jesus. When we watch a baby, we can tell if it is growing by measuring its length and its weight. But how can you tell if followers of Jesus are growing in knowledge? By listening to the answers they give when you lead a Bible Story Fellowship. When they give wise answers, you will know that their knowledge is growing.

Followers of Jesus must grow in faith and in their obedience of Jesus. We have said many times that it requires faith to obey Jesus. If we do not trust Him, we will not obey Him. But if we trust Him, we will obey him more and more. Your job as a village church planter is to help your church members know Jesus better, so that they trust him more and obey Him in greater ways. Let me say that again: Your job as a village church planter is to help your church members know Jesus better, so that they trust him more and obey Him in greater ways.

You have already seen growth in their faith and obedience. Rejoice in that growth. You can expect to see more growth. Keep teaching, keep modeling the way. Keep encouraging more faith and more obedience. The best is yet to come!

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.


#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #GrowinChrist #GrowinObedience

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