Saturday, September 12, 2020

Give Part 2


Part 2

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “A Word of Encouragement

for Village Church Planters.”

God loves a cheerful giver. He delights when we his children give to him

joyfully and freely. But God does not twist our arm to make us give. He allows

us to make a choice. When we choose to give, we demonstrate love for him.

What father does not enjoy getting a good gift from his son or daughter? Our

heavenly Father rejoice when we honor him by giving to His work. The Bible

says, “ Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not

reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Many Christians would like to be a cheerful giver, but they find it difficult to

give. They are fearful that if they give to God, they will not have enough to

take care of themselves. So giving is associated with fear. If they give, they

feel sad, because they know they won’t be able to buy something for

themselves which they wanted or needed. I know about this kind of fear and

this kind of sadness, because when I was first married, my giving to the Lord

was surrounded by fear and sadness.

Friend, this is not what God wants. The Bible is clear, God loves a cheerful

giver. So how can you as a Village Church Planter become a cheerful giver?

How can you teach your people to give cheerfully?

The steps are simple but the journey may be hard. Give by faith. Give because

God commands you to give. As you give, thank God for providing income so that

you can give. After you give, pray and exercise faith for God to meet your

needs. When God meets your needs by providing more income, or more work or

by helping you manage your resources well, don’t forget to thank him. Tell

trusted friends what God has done for you. And keep giving. Give by faith.

Plan your giving. Don’t wait for someone to ask you to give. Give to the Lord’s

work each week. Thank Him for meeting your needs and for providing for your

family. And keep giving. After a while, giving will become a joy and will no

longer be a burden. You will rejoice because you know that you are a co laborer with Christ. You

 will be cheerful because you know that what you have

given will be used by God to bless others.

Let me sum up what I’m trying to say. Give in obedience to Christ’s command.

Give even when it is difficult. Watch how God meets your needs. Thank Him

for his provision. Keep giving by faith. Keep trusting him. Soon you will become

a cheerful giver. Then you can teach others in your church to give by faith.

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.


#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #GiveGenerously #GiveByFaith

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