Baptize New Believers
Part 2
for Village Church Planters.”
You have been given a great honor. You have been invited to serve as an
ambassador for Christ and be his messenger in a village where the message of
Christ has not been proclaimed or understood. You are a pioneer; this is a great
honor. But as you know, it is not easy.
One of the most powerful ways you as a church planter proclaim the message
of Christ is by preparing new believers for baptism and helping them be
baptized. Baptism affirms belief in Christ, forgiveness of sin and unity with
Christ. When people repent and believe, they receive forgiveness of their sins
and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The act of baptism proclaims that believers belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Once they were dead in their trespasses and sins. Once they were alienated
from God. There was a time when they lived as the enemies of God. But when
villagers repent of their sins and put their trust in Christ, everything changes.
Because of God’s great love and mercy, they are born again. They have a new
life. They have a new nature. They have a new identity. They become
children of God. This change is a result of God working by his Holy Spirit to
transform the new believers. And you get to be His instrument in the
transformation process! What a blessing that is. The time of a new believer’s
baptism can be a time of great joy. There is so much to celebrate!
We baptize people who have repented of their sins. People are ready for
baptism when they have repented of their sins and believed in the risen Lord
Jesus Christ. It is at that point that the church assures the new believer that
God has forgiven their sins. The church baptizes new believers.
The church prays for each new believer to live a victorious life in Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The church teaches the new believer to obey all of Christ’s commands. When
you work with new believers, remind them of God’s promise that if we confess
our sins he is faith and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness. Continually remind them of their new nature in Christ. Help
them prepare their 15 second testimony. Celebrate their baptism with great
joy and great hope. Teach the newly baptized believers to obey all of Christ’s
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