Wednesday, July 1, 2020

You Can Be A Great Story Teller

Hello, my name is Dean Davis and this is “A word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.  Please let me speak personally to you today.  You are a village church planter.  God has called you to a great work. He has called me too.  But so often we feel like our gifts, our skills and our abilities are very weak.

One of the most important skills for Village Church planters is the ability to tell Bible stories well. I have good news for you.  You can be a GREAT Bible story Teller.
Last night I was visiting in the home of a family from Uvira, DRC. Their son-in-law had begun attending my church and so we went to visit his family.  After we met everyone and talked, my friend’s mother in-law-brought us some fried bread and a cold bottle of water.  Soon I asked, “May I tell you a story?”  They said yes and I began to tell them the story of the Woman at the Well.  We had a wonderful time.  They  liked the story very much and happily answered my questions after I told it.  When I left their home, my heart was filled with joy.  I had told a familiar story simply and clearly in the power of the Holy Spirit.  It was easy to do.

Do you know why it was so easy for me?  Because I had made a story board. Then, based on John chapter 4 I had worked hard to remember every part of the story of the Woman at the Well. I had practiced telling the story to myself many times so I could tell it from memory without looking at notes and without reading from the Bible. Since I learned to tell it from memory, I have told it to others many times.  So last night it was easy and it was fun to tell the story again.

You can be a GREAT Bible Story teller.  Read a story from the Bible over and over until you understand it well.  Draw a story board to help you remember each part of the story.  Tell the story using ordinary words. But tell it with feeling; use your voice to communicate emotion. You can do it.  I know you can.  You can become a great Bible story teller.  Once you learn to tell a Bible story well, you can teach others to do the same.  This is what we call multiplication.  2 Timothy 2:2. You can be a great Bible story Teller.  Great Bible Story tellers, accurately tell Bible stories with warmth and love.  Great Bible story tellers ask questions after they have told the story.  Great Bible story tellers teach their friends to tell the stories of God’s word.  My brother, my sister, you can be a great Bible story teller.  This has been a word of encouragement for Village church Planters. 

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